The Northwest region of Michigan is filled with Farmer's stands for fruits, vegetables, homemade baked goods, and jams, jellies, salsa, etc from their produce. This was a great stand where we purchased the most delicious apples called Honey Crisp, and they had wonderful cider. We asked if it was usual to be this warm in October (9), and she said that every year for the past 15 years, she was hoping to still be wearing shorts by October 1, and this was the first year that she could.

Along the streets of this quaint village. Many of the small towns and villages have this angled parking.

It is nice to shop where it is not crowded.

All the people were at Java Jones, a great
Internet coffee shop and deli. This is a player piano where you put in your nickel and select a tune.

Enjoying my deli wrap. Across from where we were sitting were couches and easy chairs surrounding a cozy fireplace. I now know where everyone also goes in the winter.

The beginning of the village park. This was a lovely spot with a marina across the street.

This park is basically a boardwalk around this lake.

The village marina.

In the background, you can see a cascade delivering water from the bay that is a little higher in elevation. There are large fish in this lake, and on this day, there were a few folks fishing.

A group of Mallard ducks were also enjoying the lake.

Cavity Captain--could this boat belong to a dentist? We get the pain; they get the joy!

Behind Walter is the opening to Lake Michigan.

A small beach at Lake Michigan. We sat on a bench for a while and so enjoy the beautiful views looking out on the Lake.

Another great looking boat. We have the land RV and this is the floating RV.

A beautifully preserved wooden boat.