Saturday, September 08, 2007


Across from the main business district is a view of the beach and west Grand Traverse Bay. When traveling to Front Street, which is the main street for shops and restaurants, we have a wonderful drive along the shores of both east and west Grand Traverse Bay.
The shops along one side of front street. There are usually many strollers looking in shop windows and shopping in these unique stores.

A look at the old fashioned clock along the sidewalk.
Stopping to pet the puppy.

Along the other side of the street, there are places where you can stop and spend a few quiet moments at the Broadman River.

End of summer sales are still in progress on this very fall-like day.
This is a side street off of Front Street with a view of west Grand Traverse Bay.

Looking down this street is an old "State Theater" which has been converted into more specialized movie showings of films from around the world.
Another view of the Broadman River adjacent to Front Street with boardwalks for viewing the river.

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