Thursday, January 24, 2008


This is our first refueling stop at a PEMEX. The petroleum industry is nationalized in Mexico, and PEMEX is the only gas and diesel stations in the country. They are widely distributed and are almost always together with an OXXO convenience store. Diesel costs about $2/gallon which compares with $3.40/gallon in parts of Texas.
Passing through many small and poor towns. There are many taquerias. There is a lot of mud around, as in small towns only the main highway is paved. We see a lot of donkeys. Many are tied to the side of the road grazing. Here is a "campesino' walking his dog while he rides his donkey.
As we travel south we encounter more mountainous terrain as we are near the Easter Sierra Madre (Cierra Madre Oriental). Here you see the other 5th wheel in the caravan belonging to Canadians from Ontario.

That evening we arrive at a hotel parking lot for the evening. This is our evening meal at the hotel restaurant. Below is the events area of the hotel. You can see our satellite internet dish at the top of our RV behind Teri.

The next morning we have to depart at 6:45 AM, at the crack of dawn because we have a long and difficult drive.

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