Saturday, July 11, 2009


After lunch at the Weather Vane Restaurant, we took a stroll along the channel connecting the lake and harbor to Lake Michigan.
This cabin sleeper sailboat is under engine power in Lake Michigan trying to make the half-hour schedule for the opening of the main street bridge that separates the channel from the harbor.

At this point the sailboat has passed the opening of the channel. The restaurant and lift bridge are behind the Coast Guard Light Tower.

This is one of several high-power cigar boats we saw in the channel. Some had 4 high horsepower engines and multiple propellers. One of them sported lettering to the effect "Now, can you hear this?", and as it passed us they revved the engines to show-off their super-loud and deep-throated roar. Looking at the passengers it seemed that many had a bunch of teens and twenty-somethings and one old codger at the wheel.

The bridge is now open at the half-hour to let the tall masted sailboats pass. The restaurant is to the left of the bridge. One laggard sailboat kept the bridge open for a number of minutes longer while traffic backed-up on main street.
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