Saturday, July 11, 2009


This Saturday we are visiting the beautiful small coastal town of Charlevoix. The town has a French name like many other towns around the Great Lakes because the French fur traders and explorers were the earliest Europeans to explore this vast region containing a large portion of all the fresh water in the World. Did you know that Detroit is a French word meaning the rapids?

In the map above (double-click any picture to enlarge it, then click the browser's back button to return to the blog) you can see Acme where we live, in the center of the map you see Charlevoix at the channel connecting Lake Michigan to Lake Charlevoix, and the Straits of Mackinack and Mackinack Island at the top of the map. The Straits connect Lake Michigan on the West with Lake Huron on the East.

It is lunch time as we arrive in Charlevoix. We found this nice restaurant with the unusual wavy roof line and open air dining balconies overlooking the channel connecting Lake Charlevoix to Lake Michigan
In the waiting room we found this great painting of retired ladies enjoying their wine. It reminded us of some we know at our Florida home. They laugh loud and often, and the joke does not even need to be that good.

This is the channel in front of the restaurant. The water is clear and cold, and it borrows the deep blue of the sky.

1 comment:

Gloria Kelley said...

The restaurant looks like The Weathervane, one of George's and my favorite eating spots in Charlevoix. The food is excellent and the view is too. Shopping in Charlevoix is a real adventure. Beautiful place to grab an ice cream cone and sit by the water.