Wednesday, April 16, 2008


One road to the LBJ White House crossed this dam. You can see where the road is in the middle of the Pedernales River.
The Texas White House.
One of many huge Live-Oak trees on the property.
When LBJ bought this house from his aunt, it consisted of only the center part where you can see a beige stone wall. To the left was built an office for LBJ and to the right was enlarged living spaces for the family.
There was an air field that most guest from Washington and abroad used to get to the ranch. However, he would often take folks for a ride and drive across this dam that had a road beneath it scaring his visitors who thought they were being driven into the river. It didn't help that he said his brakes had failed. Apparently, no one tried to save the President first!

The old State road and the Pedernales River across from the Texas White House.
The Pedernales River which flows through much of Texas Hill Country.

Another view of the very lovely setting of the Texas White House.
We forgot how much domestic progress took place under LBJ.
LBJ is buried in this family cemetery on the Ranch. His tomb is the large center one.

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