Friday, February 15, 2008


This morning we are heading for Tulum - the town and the ruins - in our vehicles.
Tulum was a walled Maya port city. There was access to the key buildings and dwellings of the ruling class and high priests only through five narrow entrances and a small protected sea cove.
Here is a beautiful view of the main Temple at Tulum - right on the cliffs to the Caribbean sea.

The state of preservation of this small Maya city is amazing.

The plan for the walled city
A tall man can walk straight through the secured entrances, but nearly touching his head to the tip of the Maya arch.

Inside there are multiple dwellings and sacred places. These were in use by the local Maya population until late in the 20th century when the site was overrun by tourists and they could not worship in peace any longer!
Here is part of the Caravan group listening to our guide. He was hard to understand, but very knowledgeable. In the background is the main Temple towards the sea cliffs.

The social life of this Maya beach resort city was ruled by a multiplicity of Gods. Double-click on the picture above to magnify it.
A disturbing image of the goddess of suicide!
Faces of Kukulkan were in many building corners.

A view from the high temple in the inner protected cloister.

From the coastal cliffs we could see the beautiful Caribbean beaches below, and more interesting - the beautiful beaches to the south. Some of us wanted to investigate them further.

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