Monday, February 18, 2008


Today we have a relatively easy 170 mile trip. We are staying in an ACTUAL campground in Calderitas, and have to drive through Cheumal to get there.

You can tell from this GPS track that the trip from Xel-Ha to Calderitas skirts a large natural preserve on the Caribbean. There is a lot of empty wilderness along the highway.

Calderitas is a fishing village on the shore of milky emerald waters of Chetumal Bay. This is the view of Chetumal Bay and Calderitas from the back of our 5th wheel at the RV park.

Once we arrive at the steamy campground, dump the tanks, and park the rig, we get in swim suits and head for the pool.
At 5 PM we have the daily briefing by the Wagon masters, and socialize. The wagon masters instituted the practice of the group awarding prizes in the form of stuffed animals to others (excluding the staff). The booby prize is Goofy - awarded for making goofy mistakes and the like. We received it once in the trip - when we took a wrong turn in the dark after a night light show in Chichen Itza.

The day after arrival we spent shopping in Chetumal. Like in many larger Mexican cities they have one or more wonderful grocery chains such as Mega and Chedraiu that compete quite favorably with many in the US.
Here is Teri looking at the bakery section. Many of the sweets have less sugar than is usual in the US.
This Chedraui has a great deli, cheeses and meats section.

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In the drive to Chetumal Jim's class C took a tope (speed bump) a little fast and bottomed out on his sewer pipe outlet that gave him a nasty sewer leak. From then on some were calling him Mister Stinky.

He needed help shopping for repair parts and glue, and my Spanish came in handy once again. We went looking for PVC glue, then ABS glue. We spend A good part of the day driving around Chetumal stopping in plumbing stores looking for it - no such luck - we settled for epoxy.

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