Saturday, February 16, 2008


The Caravan has a ferry ride to the island of Cozumel scheduled for today. The prospect is for another early alarm wake up followed by a hurried breakfast, rough ferry ride for 45 minutes, and a day full of tourist trap high-priced shopping. Cozumel is a favorite stopping point for cruise ships.

Not for us! Instead we want to join a small group of like-minded caravaners and head for the beaches we saw from the cliffs of Tulum yesterday.
After a little exploring we find this idyllic beach club and a fine exemplar of a superb Caribbean beach. The parking is on sand under coconut trees. Most licence plates are from the state of Quintana Roo - locals.
A steady sea breeze makes a hot day quite bearable and perfect for Kite surfing on the ocean.
Here are - foreground left - Terry Brewer and wife Betty from Yuma, and in the background Eileen and Mike Campbell from Alberta Canada.
Time to swim in the Caribbean!

The water is perfect and the surf not too strong. The soft silky sand drops gradually.

Waiting for lunch.
The waiter speaks a little English, but not much. I help with the menu translation and ordering. The waiter sets up the lunch table and chairs and takes our drink orders.
Here is the entire lunch crowd. To the right of Teri are Jack and Shirley Peart from the state of Washington, and Bill and Sherry McKellar from Rosscomon, MI - not too far from our Summer place.
This was one of the finest meals we had in Mexico.

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